Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman (Spoilers)

 Note: this brief review contains spoilers, because I don't think I can review it adequately without them.




As much as I really liked the previous two books in this series, this one is more of a mixed bag. I felt like there was more of a buildup to Metatron and the Authority that didn't quite pay off - they seemed to be dispatched without too much of a fight. Also, as glad as I kind of was that Mrs. Coulter came to a sticky end, it too lacked a real punch and why did she have to take Lord Asriel with her? Not that he was perfect, but still... 

The ending of the book is really sad - the part where Lyra and Will agree to "meet up" every year was actually heartbreaking. I did really enjoy this series and I am looking forward to seeing how they adapt this one for the TV series. I also plan to read the newer books set in this universe. Highly recommended. 

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