Sunday, December 15, 2024

Stolen - Ann-Helén Laestadius

Reader, I am exhausted. I am so tired of all the bad things that seem to be actively destroying anything good and decent and helpful. Why does the world seem to teem with bigots and hateful people? I just don't get it. 

But let's talk specifically about this book, which I enjoyed. I know nothing whatsoever about the native population that lives in the northernmost parts of Scandinavia and herds reindeer, so this book was a cool primer on a traditional way of life that is increasingly encroached on by modernization and continuously opposed by the aforementioned bigots. I really liked the main character. I would like to read more by this author for sure. 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Absolution - Alice McDermott

October's book club choice is well written and I found it enjoyable for the most part, but I am still struggling with how the title relates to the story. Who is seeking absolution, and why? What exactly for? Many of the characters do things that make little sense, and not a lot happens overall. I guess it will make an interesting discussion for the group. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

A Council of Dolls - Mona Susan Power

Loved this book, which is filled with unforgettable characters who show us the lingering effects of the deplorable, racist policies directed against Native Americans in the U.S. There are a lot of heartbreaking scenes, but the overall message is one of hope and survival. I'm looking forward to the book club discussion. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Winterland - Rae Meadows

I thoroughly enjoyed this book set in 1970s Soviet Russia. I l loved the use of Russian words here and there, it brought back my time studying Russian in college. The setting is bleak and in today's day and age, the uncompromising attitude of the gymnastics coaches and trainers seems harsh, but when the entire system is viewed at a distance it makes a certain kind of grim sense. The human will to survive is really something. A good choice for this time of year. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Burma Sahib - Paul Theroux

Not sure what to think of this fictionalized account of Eric Blair's time as a policeman in Burma, which allegedly changed him greatly, leading him to become the famed writer George Orwell. The book is easily twice the length it should be, and extremely repetitive, banging us over the head with how much Blair hated the job, kept to himself, etc etc. He's not particularly sympathetic, he's a snob, he's abusive to the Burmese and the Indians who work alongside him, and there is no real change that takes place - so how much did he actually "learn" through this experience? I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the mood for this one, but it was a slog. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

VenCo - Cherie Dimaline

An appropriately witchy book for the season. I found this to be a well written story and I really liked the main character. I loved the concept and would like to know more details. This would make a seriously amazing series (I think a movie might not be long enough to do the story justice, but it could be done). Overall a very enjoyable book. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Anita de Monte Laughs Last - Xochitl Gonzalez

I absolutely LOVED "Olga Dies Dreaming" by this same author, and while I didn't like this book quite as much, for no good reason, I still enjoyed it. The writing is excellent and I had no idea the story was based on a true story - that was fascinating. Recommended. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dinosaurs - Lydia Millet

I managed to get even more behind in my reading - this was actually part of the July Book Box - oops! I finally managed to read this book, which is more of a character study. I liked the main character although yet again I am being asked to feel sorry for someone with money, to empathize with the struggles someone with money goes through because it's just so hard to fill one's day ... U G H Sorry, but if I no longer had to work, my day would be full from sun up to sun down at the very least, right off the top of my head sitting here. Volunteer work that I would love to do, classes I would love to take, hobbies I would love more time to pursue, not to mention my enormous TBR pile, and that's just off the top of my head, as I said. I don't mean to sound harsh, I liked the book, but .... I don't know why this is a trend. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pineapple Street - Jenny Jackson

An interesting Book Club choice that I am not sure what to think of. All of the characters were sort of unlikeable but in a way that is realistic, I guess, as we all have our foibles. I'm pretty sure I have complained about this before, but asking me to feel sorry for wealthy people really rubs me the wrong way. To be honest, I have always deeply resented having to work for a living and I would love to be able to pursue my own interests all day. I don't even want a lot of money, I would never want to be a billionaire or something ridiculous like that, but just to make the salary I currently earn at work but not have to work to get it (if that makes sense). So.... An interesting discussion will be had, I am sure. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Stone Cold Fox - Rachel Koller Croft

This was an ... interesting choice for the July Book Club book! When I first started reading, I thought it wasn't really a book for me - and it's not really something I would have picked up on my own. However, I got strangely into it! I ended up being somewhat invested in the story and wanting to know what would happen and etc. It's definitely got a "trashy beach read" vibe, if that's what you're looking for. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

This Other Eden - Paul Harding

 Well this book was .... something. The writing is rife with run on sentences that are supposed to be "literary" I'm sure. I am not sure we really found out much about many of the characters. Apparently the story is based on a true story, which isn't terribly surprising but is rather alarming for many reasons. If nothing else, this should be an interesting book club discussion.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Glass Hotel - Emily St. John Mandel (Spoilers?)

Not sure what to make of this book. On the one hand, I liked parts of it. On the other hand, I am not sure what the point of it all was. At first, I thought the characters' lives would be more intertwined but that didn't really happen. It makes no sense to me that Vincent would just be able to integrate into some billionaire's life seamlessly, having just the right look, personality, emotional intelligence, etiquette, etc. Who knows. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Plot - Jean Hanff Korelitz

This is a real page turner, and I think it would make a good beach read. It was a fast read and I enjoyed the titular plot and seeing it come together, although I think I figured it out before I was supposed to. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Strange Case of the Dutch Painter - Timothy Miller

I wanted to like this book a lot more than I did. I didn't dislike it, but there was something about it that I just couldn't connect to for some reason. The story was interesting, the setting was interesting, I have no idea what the issue was. Sometimes I think that maybe I just wasn't in the mood and if I had been I would have loved it? Who knows. So if you're on the fence, definitely check it out. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Hungry Ghosts - Kevin Jared Hosein

This book was well written and affecting but extremely bleak. Set in 1940s Trinidad, the book is full of characters that seem fully real, even as they are trapped in a system that seems to be set up to thwart them at every turn. It will definitely live in my mind for a long time. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Sankofa - Chibundu Onuzo

This book club choice for April was a good one. I can absolutely sympathize with Anna, who wants to know more about the paternal side of her family as part of her own history has been kept from her. I can also understand the lengths a person can go to when the possibility of learning more is presented - and of feeling lost in the world, having no particular purpose. The book is well written and I enjoyed it. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers - Jesse Q. Sutanto

March's Book Club choice is utterly charming. As annoying as I can imagine the titular Vera Wong can be,    she is also super lovable and I want her to visit my house and cook for me for like three days maximum LOL I will say that there were times the book took just a little too long to get to the point and to tell us the stories of all the suspects, but I was having so much fun following the story that I didn't mind. I would totally read this author's other books. Recommended. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Independence - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

This was a deceptively short and fast read that covers a lot of history. Told through the story of two families, we learn a lot about India's independence as we experience the events in their lives. I loved all of the characters, who felt real - they react in sometimes unexpected ways, just like "real" people, and it's always gratifying to see characters develop their strength and resilience. Recommended.  

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Groundskeeping - Lee Cole

This book box book for February was a welcome one. The writing is excellent, even if there were a few paragraphs here and there that definitely felt like "this sounds like someone who is doing an MFA for writing" LOL If I had the time I would love to reread it and take note of the symbolism - this would have been an interesting book to write a college paper on for sure. Recommended. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Hello Beautiful - Ann Napolitano

February's book club choice was a decent read. I enjoyed the story even if I thought this book was sometimes a little repetitive about making a point about why characters are the way they are. It will be an interesting discussion. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Last Secret of the Secret Annex - Joop van Wijk-Voskuijl and Jeroen De Bruyn

Wow, readers, this book was fascinating. You might remember that in June 2015 my reading theme was Anne Frank and the Holocaust. I had not heard of this recent book, which is subtitled "The Untold Story of Anne Frank, Her Silent Protector, and a Family Betrayal." The authors are Bep Voskuijl's son, and an independent Anne Frank researcher who have provided a well written narrative of the events before, during, and after the Franks, van Pelses, and Dr. Pfeffer went into hiding. I knew some of the things that occurred after the people in hiding were betrayed and captured by the Nazis, but this particular account benefits from firsthand knowledge on the part of Bep's son Joop. There was a lot of information that could only come from someone with this firsthand knowledge, so I am so happy that he has told his story. Definitely recommended. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Queen of Dirt Island - Donal Ryan

This was a deceptively fast read and a great way to start 2024's book club choices. For a change, I waited until after the book club discussion to write my review. Everyone loved the book and the general consensus was that the author really has women characters down pat. Recommended.