Friday, July 26, 2013

Book Blogger Hop - July 26

It feels good to get back into the Book Blogger Hop!

If you're new to my book blog, welcome! My reviews are deliberately spare so as to avoid spoilers. Please leave me a comment so I can be sure to visit your book blog and follow you!

This week's Book Blogger Hop question is a good one:

How do you organize your books to be read?

My response:

Not very well! Right now my TBR pile is on a bookshelf in my home office, and the books are horizontal (for space reasons) and in piles by size. I would like them to be alphabetical and/or organized by genre (fiction separated by non-fiction, for example) and author, but at this point, at least they are in relatively neat piles!

How are your TBR books organized?


  1. Hi, Anja!

    It sure sounds like you don't really organize. Well, as you know, neither do I! Lol. Even though I do have some books on my virtual shelves at Goodreads and Shelfari, that's no guarantee I'll read them in the listed order....

    I'm very much like you -- I tend to read whatever strikes my fancy. However, I've been on a YA paranormal romance/urban fantasy streak for the longest and then I do read something else, but it's still pretty much those genres. I'm kind of trying to break away from that now. For instance, I'm currently reading "Pride and Prejudice". You know, there's a book titled "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"! UGH. How could they do that to poor Jane Austen? And I HATE zombies!

    I'm glad you have your books in piles by size. To me, that makes more sense than having them in alphabetical order, by author. That's because I'm a very visual, very disorganized person! Lol.

    Anyway....thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post!! : )

  2. Very organized. Good idea.

    I use an Excel spreadsheet to keep my books in the order I need to read them.

    Stop by for my full, organized answer if you like. :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. piles are the easiest and quickest way to organize!

    following on GFC! :)

  4. Anja mine is fairly organised, like you I've got them in size and then in Authors but I also have the Non-Fictions altogether and the Fiction altogether but I don't have it organised by genre, apart from that. I do want a better organisation technique and I'm loving reading everyone's post and getting ideas from everyone.

    My Friday Hop

  5. I don't have my books organized in any way outside of Goodreads. I can imagine if I had a bookshelf I would have my books more organized but it's difficult when you have so many.

    Following you as well :) Check out my answer:
