Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Book of Dust Volume One: La Belle Sauvage - Philip Pullman

Readers what can I say, this book was well worth waiting for. It's a sort of prequel to the His Dark Materials book series and it introduces us to many new characters we can love and hate, as well as filling in some of the gaps in our knowledge of characters from the previous series. I absolutely adore Malcolm; I so wish I had had a friend like him when I was his age in this book. 

I can't really say much about the book without getting into major spoilers, but I will say that something deeply disturbing happens at the end of this book and it made me seriously angry. So angry that I considered writing a bit of a rant about it, but after much reflection I understand narratively why the author  decided on it; that doesn't mean I condone it at all - I think the way things play out would have been fine without this particular something. But whatever, overall, it didn't spoil my appreciation for this book in general. And I can't wait to read Volume 2, which was also a December gift. 

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