Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight - Will Clower, PhD

FTC Compliance Statement: I received a free, time-limited, electronic review copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.com in exchange for my honest review, which is provided below. I have not been otherwise compensated for this review in any way and my opinion is my own.

I originally requested this book on NetGalley at least a year ago. I was hoping to use it for the Color-Coded Reading Challenge, as "brown" has always been a difficult category for me to find books for, and the topic seemed interesting. Shortly after my request, the book got archived, and I would see it from time to time in my "pending requests" list; I assumed that I had requested it too late, and I would never actually get the book, and so I put it out of my mind (and found another book for the "brown" category that year). So imagine my surprise when more than a year later, out of the blue I got an email stating that my request had been approved. It was a shock, but a good one, as I need a "brown" book for this year's challenge.

This book, which is subtitled "The Science-Based Diet for Chocolate Lovers," is written in an entertaining, easy to read and understand style. It has stories of people who have worked with the author, which I enjoyed, as I learn best through examples like this. I won't go into the details of the book here, but I will tell you that despite the title, you can't subsist entirely on Snickers and Kit Kat candy bars - but that you can in fact consume a satisfying amount of real chocolate (read the book to get the specifics!) as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. This book has a lot of research to back it up, and also has a lot of delicious sounding recipes and even a journal that you can keep while you make the lifestyle changes the books describes. I think it's a really common-sensical diet plan, which emphasizes good nutrition all around, so I would definitely try it out. Great book for someone looking to make some positive life changes! 

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