Wednesday, December 3, 2014

35 kilos d'espoir - Anna Gavalda

I found a local French class that includes reading a novel in French as part of the class, and this was the book chosen for this particular session. This book was really great - it was touching, even when the main character was frustrating. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Although it's a book intended for kids 10 and up, there was still much vocabulary I had to learn, relearn, and look up, including a bunch of slang, so it was sufficiently challenging for me. Unfortunately the timing of this class means that this book is way too late to count for the Language Freak Summer Challenge (LFSC), but it still counts for the Books on France Challenge, so that's good. And I hope there is a session of this class next summer with another book in French so it will count for the LFSC 2015! :)

Et maintenant, ma petite critique en français !

J'ai trouvé une classe de français qui comprend la lecture d'un roman en français, et ce petit livre était la choix pour la session en cours. Ce livre était formidable - c'était touchant et émouvant, même que le personnage principal était frustrant pour moi. Ce livre me plaisait beaucoup :^).

Bien que c'est un livre pour les enfants dès 10 ans, c'était plein de mots inconnus, et aussi beaucoup argot. Donc j'ai augmenté le vocabulaire.

Dommagement, je n'ai trouvé pas la classe avant que j'ai participé avec <<le défi pour les fanatiques des langues étrangères>>, et donc ce livre ne marche pas pour ça, hélas. Mais ça marche pour un autre défi, <<le défi des livres de France>>.


  1. You are lucky to find a class you like! Also, the book choice seems great. Slang is always difficult, but if you learn some of it it makes you speech so much more natural! :) So it's worth the effort!

  2. Hi Ekaterina! I was very happy to find this class, it's been very enjoyable so far and I look forward to continuing with it and reading a lot in French! We have also read a short story by Guy de Maupassant and an excerpt from Les Miserables. Both were great, and not as difficult to read as I may have assumed - so my French may be better than I hoped, ha ha. Slang is definitely a major part of language learning, I am always happy to work on it in any of the languages I have studied.

  3. excellent, et bravo pour ton effort d'écrire en français. Je devrais vraiment insérer du français dans mes présentations de livres, après tout, je suis française, lol!

  4. Merci Emma! Je l'aimerais si tu ecrivais en francais un peu, pour moi, c'est bon pour pratiquer :) (Excuses-moi les fautes, comme toujours)
