Saturday, January 10, 2015

French Bingo 2015

OK, one more reading challenge for 2015. This challenge, which is hosted by Emma at Words and Peace, is another one that should fit in with my established reading goals and TBR pile and etc., so I'm going to go for it. I have never done a reading challenge that has the form of "bingo" so this will be interesting! I might just try to fill it all in. Here's the bingo card (let me know if you can't see it as it means I did something wrong):

Update December 30, 2015: BINGO!!! I marked off the squares I have covered and reuploaded the image below:

I will keep track of the books I read for this challenge in this post as usual.

I completed Emma's Books on France Challenge last year, although I think I neglected to post my reviews on her site - duh! In any case, I am looking forward to reading more books having to do with France, and several that are actually in French if I play my cards right. Merci encore à Emma pour un autre défi!

1. A3 - Historical Novel Set in France - Between Two Fires, Christopher Buehlman (novel set in France in 1348)
2. C3 - French Book Made into a Movie - Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Dai Sijie (novel originally written in French [Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise], made into a movie in 2003)
3. B5 - With the Eiffel Tower on the Cover - Mac in the City of Light, Christopher Ward (novel has the Eiffel Tower and other Paris sights on the cover)
4. D2 - With a French City/Region in the Title - Mac on the Road to Marseille, Christopher Ward (novel with Marseille in the title)
5. B1 - Nonfiction about France - Hidden Child of the Holocaust, Stacy Cretzmeyer (true story set in Vichy France)
6. E2 - Translated from the French - The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (book translated into English from the French; has also been translated into hundreds of languages worldwide)
7. C1 - By a French Author in the 1900s - Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (book written and published in the 1940s)
8. D3 - Written by a French Author in the 1800s - Les Misérables, Victor Hugo (novel by French author first published in 1862)
9. A4 - Play by a French author - Tartuffe, Molière (play written in 1664 by famous French playwright)
10. A2 - By a French Author before 1800 - The Cid, Pierre Corneille (play first performed in 1637, written by famous French playwright)
11. B4 - By a French Author after 2000 - The Elegance of the Hedgehog, Muriel Barbery (book originally published in 2006 in France)
12. C2 - Romance Set in France - Chéri, Colette (story is about a romance between the title character and his lover)
13. D1 - With a French Word in the Title - A Year in the Merde, Stephen Clarke (obviously has a French word in the title)
14. A5 - By a French Female Author - The Last of Chéri, Colette (one of the most famous French female authors)
15. E1 - Mystery/thriller set in France - The Rhetoric of Death, Judith Rock (mystery set in 1680s Paris)


  1. welcome back! Indeed yes, you forgot to link your reviews, so I was not able to enter you in the giveaway - the winner was actually Australian! I'm curious to see what you read this year, remember it's ok to read some of these in translation. And share the link to your review in a comment as soon as you wrote it

  2. In a way, I am happy I wasn't in the giveaway, as I have so many books already :) This time I will try to be better about adding my reviews as I read them!
